With a Summer Reading theme like, Build a Better World, it seemed appropriate to build something in Teen Cooking Club. This month, we asked who could build a better cake.
Cake Bakers....GO! |
Considering a time restraint of just under 2 hours to cook, decorate and judge the confections, boxed cake mixes were provided to each team. The worry of correct measurements of dry ingredients in a flurry was eliminated. One "rule" for the designs was to create a vehicle. The definition of a vehicle was to be as open and creative as each team wanted, so they had to support their creation with a good story.
Getting started at the Union Hall |
We have a huge space to bake and decorate at the Local 1000 Union Hall. With a double oven, all teams were able to prep their cakes and have them cook at the same time.
Remember your cake and start timing! |
Each team was responsible for their cake being baked and not burned,
although I helped with the removal from the hot oven.
Cooling is Quick in the fridge |
Some teams were wise to cool their cakes in the refrigerator. With a warm cake, icing will slip right off and ruin the design. There was a ton of candy provided to used as decoration. More than enough candy to use, but I noticed a lot of sneaking of the treats....
but that's what I planned to see 😎.
Cook, prep, and WASH THOSE DISHES! |
Each team was required to follow all instructions, involving the cooking, prep, and clean up of their cakes. Before judging could take place, each creation needed to be placed on a separate table and each team needed to sanitize and take down their stations.
Quick to Complete |
Some teams finished so quickly, I'm not sure they even discussed a plan before they started decorating. I strolled to each station to check in on progress. A few teams willingly shared their ideas, but a few chose to be secretive, considering this was a competition.
Blue is the Hue |
Although there was a full rainbow of food coloring to use, almost everyone chose blue for their icing. It is an easy "sky" or "ocean" or alien steel, according to one silly group. Once all cakes were ready for judging, a representative of each team shared a statement to support their submission. This peer focused public speaking is a great skill. Having to supply a story off-the-cuff provided priceless descriptions.
Magical Rickshaw |
The clown of the club created a Magical Rickshaw, meant to transport travelers to unbelievable lands. Most of us jokingly questioned, "where is the rickshaw?"
Fly Away Home |
On occasion, there was a shy creator who couldn't give much support to their vehicle story. This hot air balloon is beautiful, but lacked a colorful story to let the imagination soar.
Butterfly |
The butterfly cake will take you to a magical insect world with one bite. The cake is the vehicle, not the butterfly. This is like a doorway for entymologists.
Hot Air Inspiration |
Another hot air balloon developed in the class. This one is called "Sky Rider" and can take it's passengers anywhere, anytime. I wonder if I'd need a work excuse to take a flight...
Just a Truck |
The shyest team created this truck. It was difficult to get a short story description of this vehicle. At least there were smiles shared in the presentation.
Public speaking is not an easy task. Small classes like this are a great start.
Time Travel |
A clock is a wonderful vehicle and very creative entry for this contest. This team left details up to the imagination. They called this cake, "Time Machine," because time will take you places you've never been and to places you might not wish to visit, like the dentist!
OUtta tHiS wOrLD! |
Aliens took over the making of this cake. Disaster and despair were paired with an alien invasion with this cake called "Candy Crush UFO." So much candy!!!
Cotton Candy Blowout |
The detailed description of this sugar rush of a cake swept us all away. A budding chef and imaginative story teller said this cake "transports you to a land of sweetness.
Cotton candy is like a firework. There is an explosion of sweetness is every bite!"
I'm Faaaaallllllllliiiiiiiiinnnnnng! |
My personal favorite of all the entries was "Fallout Boy." The girls who worked well together creating this masterpiece said "it will transport you to a rainbow land." I believe the whole class was impressed by this submission. Considering everyone's wonderful teamwork and the nature of summer, each participant received a McDonald's ice cream certificate, because they are all so cool. Cakes were split to share with families at home and leftover candies will be saved for October when we create "Freaky Eats."
Thanks for visiting!
Teen Cooking Club will commence in October 2017.
See you then.